Using This Website | About PERSOL GROUP | PERSOL GROUP

Using This Website

The websites operated by the PERSOL Group ( and other PERSOL websites; hereinafter referred to as our websites) have the following security measures in place to ensure that all users can use our websites with peace of mind.

Deployment of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

Our websites incorporate SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption on pages where users enter their personal information, and are certified by DigiCert Japan, G.K. The use of SSL prevents the theft or intentional alteration of important information regarding users of our websites.

Authentication of Identity

Our websites have pages where you can apply for services, so we verify your identity in order to prevent identity theft. The information you enter on the screen will only be used to verify that you are a staff member who is registered with our company. The information will not be used for any other purpose whatsoever, so please use our websites with peace of mind.

Browser Buttons

To return to the previous screen or continue to the next screen after logging in, please use the buttons located on the screen, and do not use the Back or Forward buttons on your browser. If you use those buttons on your browser, the information you have entered may be lost.


1. Use of Cookies

Our websites use cookies※ and other technologies to collect data on web pages visited, etc. (hereinafter referred to as browsing history, etc.) so that we may make our websites more user-friendly, deliver advertisements, and collect statistical data.
We handle browsing history, etc. that we use with reference to your personal information as if it were itself personal information. For the purpose of use, handling, etc. of such information in those cases, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
Purpose of Use of Browsing History, etc. that we use without reference to your personal information are as follows.

  • To display the most appropriate advertisements on other companies' websites based on the content in which users are interested and the state of their use of our websites (use of services to optimize the delivery of advertisements)
  • To investigate the number of users and traffic to our websites (use of services for site access analysis)
  • To develop our existing services and to develop and improve new services
  • To conduct surveys, such as user satisfaction surveys, as part of the marketing of our services (e.g., by using cookie information to select users to be surveyed)
  • What Are Cookies?
    Our websites use cookies.
    A cookie is information that is sent to your browser from a website and stored on your device. Cookies may be used to track the browsing history, etc. of your device.
    For details on how this information is used, please refer to the Purpose of Use of Browsing History, etc. section above. Cookies themselves do not contain any information that can identify you personally, such as your name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address. In addition, cookies will not adversely affect your device.

2. Types of Cookies


Cookies for use of this website

This website uses cookies to identify your device when you browse this website and to enable you to use our services, etc. Cookies are essential to the use of this website. For example, by allowing cookies to be stored on your device, you will not have to repeatedly enter the same information.
If you disable these cookies, you may not be able to use some of the features of the website; e.g., the website may not function properly.


Cookies for the use of third-party services

We may use cookies and other identifiers in the use of services provided by the following companies to provide your information to third parties outside of our company.
If you do not wish to use this service, please see the following information on where information is sent externally and disable (opt-out of) cookies.

Where information is sent externally


Disabling cookies in your browser settings

You can also disable cookies by changing your browser settings. For information on how to configure cookies settings, please refer to your browser's Help menu, etc.
Please note that if you choose to disable all cookies, you may for example become unable to use services that require authentication, or you may experience other restrictions while using various services on the Internet.


  • Copyrights to our websites and to the individual texts, photographs, videos, music, sounds, and other copyrighted works (hereinafter collectively referred to as content) appearing on our websites belong to us, the original authors, or other right holders.
  • Except for printing, saving, or similar for personal use, or other uses permitted under the Copyright Act, the duplication, public dissemination, alteration, removal, reproduction, or similar of content on our websites without our permission or the permission of the original author or other right holders is prohibited pursuant to the Copyright Act, so we ask that you first contact us and obtain permission before performing any of the above actions. We reserve the right to deny use of content if we for example determine it to be inappropriate in the event that it contains likenesses, third-party copyrighted material, trademarks, etc.
  • If you use content with our permission, please display the copyright notice as we have specified. You may not change or delete the copyright notice without our prior approval.

Trademarks, Etc.

All rights to the trademarks, logos, copyrights, etc. appearing on our websites and public relations media belong to us or their respective owners or originators, and are protected by the relevant laws and ordinances, including the Trademark Act and the Unfair Competition Prevention Act. If you wish to use any of these, we ask that you contact us in advance and obtain our permission before such use.

Use Environment

Unless otherwise noted, we recommend viewing our websites in the following environments.

PC Version

  • Google Chrome (latest version)
  • Microsoft Edge (latest version)

Smartphone Version

  • Safari (latest version)
  • Google Chrome (latest version)
  • We recommend iOS 14 or later, and Android 8 or later.
  • The website may not be displayed correctly depending on the OS and browser you are using.

In addition, CSS and JavaScript must be enabled in the browser settings. The following plug-in software is required for some content.

  • Adobe Reader (latest version)

If you have not yet obtained this software, please download it from the following link for a better experience while browsing our websites.

Download Adobe Reader


We post information on this website with the utmost care. However, we are not responsible for the accuracy, reliability, usefulness, timeliness, or completeness of the information on this website. In addition, we do not make any warranties whatsoever with regard to interruptions or errors in the functions of this website, the presence of computer viruses or similar harmful programs in this website or the server, or similar issues. Moreover, we shall not compensate you for any loss or damages whatsoever that you may suffer as a result of your use of this website. We are also not responsible whatsoever for the content of any other websites that are linked to this website. If you use any linked sites, you must also agree to the terms and conditions of such linked sites.